We are Blueline

International company,
amazing team!

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International company
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Professional Skills
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Work with Good People
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Successful career path
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Our relationship with people is based on trust, sincerity and respect for them, coupled with the highest professional standards that underpin our relationships with our clients and colleagues.

At Blueline, personal merit, team spirit, success and good cooperation will always be rewarded.

The sole purpose of recruiting and selecting new employees is to identify the resources with a professional training corresponding to the challenges of a large and traditional company.

Our human resources policy is based on supporting the development of our employees, their proper motivation and loyalty. We promote professional training in order to achieve our goals and build a lasting relationship with our clients, based on trust and quality of services.

Blueline image page team
Grow and develop with blueline

Dare, select your key points and Apply Online!

Passion for content writing
Creativity and innovative thinking
Seriousness, loyalty, fairness
Knowledge in mobile application development
Advanced Italian language skills
Organization, time planning and management
Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & Adobe InDesign
Capacity for analysis and synthesis
0 Selected
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Part of AR Group

Blueline is part of an international company specialized in data entry services, BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) services and IT software products for prestigious Italian and European companies.

Blueline image team
Grow and develop with blueline

Do you want to be part of the Blueline team?